FM Closure Comment - unbelievable a stupidity of one

We are all very dissapointed of this situation of RTI, it is really unbelievable a stupidity of one, you know who I mean, can bring to people as result. Hoping you and Jan do not give up and you have twisters in your hands - you will mayby find out the way. Fero

FM Closure Comment - call for a thorough investigation

I read the blog page with dismay. Whether you'll ever get to the bottom of all this is, I think, doubtful, but it certainly sounds as though you have grounds to call for a thorough investigation.

FM Closure Comment - dodgy politics

Very sorry to hear of the closure, as I understand it from the blog, the battle may not be quite over yet, is this so? Reading between the lines it seems there is some dodgy politics sitting behind the regulators decisions!
Please give Jan my best wishes, and I hope the matter will resolve favorably for him in the future. Best wishes for 2009. Cheers, Mike



FM Closure Comment - Ignorant Rules

I am very sad about this news. I was really hoping that RTI will win the fight with the ignorant rules of the radio broadcasting in Slovakia. Closing RTI is a big lost and I am surprised that they can't see it. What can I say? Livia

FM Closure Comment - It is a crime to destroy the work you have done

Dear Eric, dear all,
With great concerns I had learned about the closure of rti.fm.
As I have already said before several weeks ago, it is a pity that some crazy narrow-minded people begin to destroy the little but always growing plant in that former communist-ruled part of the European community. It looks to me that this poor lady doesn’t have the word community in her language. I would very much congratulate this lady for her narrow-mindedness and hope she can still pay with her Slovak crowns in 2011.
It is a crime to destroy the work you have done with your team. I know from my Slovak friends that they think different because they look at the community as a chance and not an enemy like this mentally simple structured lady.
Of course you are allowed to publish this comment with my full name.
Hope to hear from you soon, Eric and please give my best regards to your team. Thanks so much for the unforgettable hours I was allowed to spend on the radio listening to RTI.
Take care
Michael Pilath, Cologne, Germany

FM Closure Comment - how can I HELP?

...how can I HELP?
A European Journalist

RTI - We've sent you the official statement, getting it published might help others in the future!

FM Closure Comment - OH NO



FM Closure Comment - Is it not possible to keep RTi-SK open?

Is it not possible to keep RTi-SK open?

RTI - Not really, pushing water uphill gets hard work after a while - especially if someone is trying to pour the water back down the hill even faster.

FM Closure Comment - Really Bad News

Really bad news Eric - so what's the next step? Let's face it, RTI is now a brand .... any help I can give you in any way - just ask! Serious!
A National UK Journalist

We have sent the official statement from the owner, Mr Telesnky, to this journalist and others that have asked.

I am really sad...English on RTI...I miss it

I am your regular listener I am really sad that you are unable to broadcast English programs. I got used to listening English on RTI and I miss it now.
Listening to English programs on RTI was very pleasant and useful. I cannot understand why the regulator has the power to ban broadcasting in English onRTI!
Nevertheless, I hope we can bring English back on RTI!
I would also like to enter the Christmas competition on RTI.
I say: My favourite station is RTI.
S.G., Brezno

Now there are new times and all the people must learn English

I regret very much that you have to stop your transmission in the English language. I remembered the evening when I listened for the first time Radio Tatras International. I live in Iasi, a town from East of Romania, very far from Kosice. Because I read a lot of things about Tatra Mountains for me it was a pleasure to listen to a radio station from such a beautiful region.
Really I cannot understand why they do not permit you to transmit your programmes in the English language. Slovakia is a member of European Union and the English language we can say is an universal language. Not all the people speak Slovak language. This summer I visited your region, I stayed in Poprad and I also visited Kosice. I liked the region, the people and even the Slovak language. I remember that I spoke English with Slovak people in the streets. Why then do the authorities not permit you to retransmit your programmes in English.
Like Romania, Slovakia was a communist country and I think that a part of communism infiltrated into the new power and they try to stop the new reforms. They do not understand that their era was finished forever. May be the younger generation of Slovakia will have a new future.
I remembered that a Czech friend of me said that during communist period the children had to learn the Russian language in the schools of Czechoslovakia. Now there are new times and all the people must learn English, even the old communist.
Best regards from Romania and I hope to meet you again on the waves.

Express my sympathy to Mr. Telensky

I am originally from North Slovakia /Ruzomberok/ but moved to UK almost 3 yrs ago. Despite of the fact I love Slovakia as my country, I was fed up with what the authorities do over there.
The reason why I decided to write is an expression of support for what u do. It's pretty sad to hear that the licensing authority has ordered u to cancel English Programs from your Radio Programme. It sounds to me like if the were scared of some "dissidents" expressing their point of view thru some kind of illegal radio station.
It's absolutely ridiculous and reminds me of the old communist era. Unfortunately these are the bits which make normally thinkin' people pretty much annoyed.
As I say I sometimes can't believe what happens in that country. So u got my full support in what u do, and hope everything will go well for U and Mr. Telensky.
Thanx for all u do for Czech and Slovak Community in the UK and SK and pls express my sympathy to Mr. Telensky as well.
Kind regards
Martin Buschbacher

When will the regulator understand?

E.M., This is really sad to hear. When will the regulator understand?

I hope that you and RTI achieve justice.

E.C., This is a shame Eric. I hope that you and RTI achieve justice.

I am sure you understand that English IS the primary language of the business world. If you don't I am surprised.

Dear Slovak Regulator,
I am sure you understand that English IS the primary language of the business world. If you don't I am surprised.
As a country who has added many International business's, including Samsung, Ford, Peugeot, Kia, and Hyandai (to name a few) in assistance of the Slovakian economy, it should become apparent that English language information that can promote Slovakia, in the EU and other World areas, is of a premiere advantage to your country in the growing World and EU marketplace.
Any government official that does not see this advantage should be recalled and I will do everything that I personally can to make sure that happens if the diminishment of the English language in Slovakia continues. RTI is operated by a respected Czech Person (who has done much for your country and its people). However, as a person that has worked for the major US and European networks for almost 40 years I can say that maintaining RTI English broadcasts at their current level and at this important transitional time for your country is of paramount importance to the continued growth of your country. I will make certain that the Prime Minister and the President of your country are aware of your short sightedness.


The Author of this letter is the President of an International media group

I would like to show my support to RTI

I would like to show my support to RTI radio to be able to broadcast inEnglish again as it used to, because I am educating myself and relaxing at the same time which is great!
Peter D, SK

RTI was a good place to learn English

Dobry den, velmi ma sklamali najnovsie spravy o tom, ze vysielanie v anglickom jazyku na vlnach RTI bude zrusene. Verim, ze to bola prave jedna z pridanych hodnot tejto stanice, skvela kombinacia anglicky hovoriacich moderatorov, ktori vysielali pre celu Europu a verim, ze aj dalej. To prinieslo zase skvelych posluchacov, ktori sa touto cestou dozvedeli nieco o nasej krajine a regione. Myslim, ze je to velka chyba, pretoze mnohym domacim posluchacom bude chybat tento vzacny prvok. Je to prostriedok, ktory mne osobne pomaha zlepsovat sa v anglickom jazyku - pretoze nie je to formou nutenia - danu stanicu chcem jednoducho pocuvat a nepriamo sa mi zlepsuju moznosti porozumiet anglicky hovoreny text. Snad k takemuto kroku nedojde.. Ostavam s pozdravom,

The Precis for non-Slovak readers is that RTI was a good place to learn English.

Making Tourists Feel Welcome

Penzion, Novy Smokovec
Vazene damy a pani,velmi neradi sme prijali najnovsiu spravu o tom, ze vysielanie v anglickom jazyku na vlnach RTI nebude pokracovat. Sme maly penzion vo Vysokych Tatrach a danu stanicu mame naladenu v nasich priestoroch, ktore navstevuju turisti z celeho sveta. Anglictina sa stava takmer 100 % komunikacny jazyk a to, ze mozu pocuvat lokalne radio s vysielanim v Anglictine vytvara skutocne skvelu atmosferu. Hostia sa citia viac vitani a zaroven informovani, co povazuju za velku vyhodu.Verime, ze suto skutocne len poplasne spravy a ze k tamemuto kroku nedojde.
Pozdravujeme a drzime palce,

For non-Slovak Readers - this message says that offering RTI in English in the venue the correspondent owns gave tourists a good feeling and that the communication language is English.

Please, people in the government of Slovakia be responsible

I am really disappointed by the decision of my government to ban English shows on the RTI radio. And I am fully against it! I want English back on RTI!!!
I must admit that the main reason why I was listening to RTI Radio while I was still in Slovakia was the fact that it was the only radio in Slovakia, which was broadcasting in other than Slovak language. Broadcasting in English was a great opportunity for me to improve my listening skills, vocabulary and pick up the "slang" of the native English speakers. It was a unique project in Slovakia and it was then when I could finally experience the benefits of Slovakia joining the EU. "United in Diversity", that's the motto of the new Europe. But how can we be "united" if we ban shows from our radios which broadcast in the official language of EU ?
Today we live in a world when one has to compete with others not only from one town, county or state , but with others from all over the world. Today we live in the times of global competition. How do we want to prepare our youngsters for this new world if we don't allow them to listen to the most important language - English ?
Banning English shows from RTI reminds me of the times when communists were in power and they wanted to control what could or couldn't be broadcast. It's definitely not something that a democratic government of a country, which is part of the EU, should decide to do in the 21st century!I can tell for myself that these shows really helped me to prepare me better for my studies and work abroad where speaking English is absolutely essential to succeed! 2 years ago, I was still in Slovakia when I came across these show. Then I started to listed to them regularly and I must admit that at the beginning I struggled to understand Eric and his quests even though I had been already learning English for 7 years. The difference in pronunciation between my Slovak teacher and him speaking English was huge!! However, thanks to these shows I gradually improved and improved.Then I decided to leave Slovakia and came to the UK to study. After I successfully finished my Business course in the UK I joined an international company in Brighton where I am working until now. Considering that I am now only 20, this is success and at the same time a great opportunity for me. And I wouldn't be able to achieve any of this if I didn't speak English. And that's where RTI also played its role too. Thank you for that RTI!!
So my opinion is that these English shows RTI was broadcasting have to be seen as a great opportunity for our people in Slovakia, because they give us a chance to learn and develop! I It helped me, and I am sure it did the same for others. And it can do the same for many many more people. We just have to allow them broadcasting in English again! I demand this!
Please, people in the government of Slovakia be responsible for this, allow RTI’s broadcasting in English!!
Kind regards, M.J.

Your loyal listener...disappointed me so much

Dear RTI! The news - arrived in the beginning of this week from RTI about removing English programming from FM services - disappointed me so much. I cannot see the rational reason of being forced into this step and I am really interested in the exact explanation came from authorities. I used to listen your broadcast every day, only during the evenings because of my language shortages and I always wished more programs in English. In my opinion your radio is a unique opportunity for both foreigners and Slovak inhabitants which can not be destroyed because of a false measure. Yes, it is obviously a wrong decision from this particular organisation. If they did not observe its advantages for tourists or foreign people who live, work here in Slovakia - whose interests are obviously not regarded - this authority should have discovered how this special service is provided by your station to Slovak people related to English improvement. I do not think this is the right way of thinking European... I am really sorry RTI!And you have to know I am on your side in every initiation organized in order to save the program structure!
Your loyal listener,p. T.

I am an English teacher in Slovakia

Good afternoon,
I am an English teacher in Slovakia and I am very upset that there are no more shows in English on RTI. My opinion is that they were great. I could get some information that I could understand. Also I was talking to my students and they told me it was a good idea/ they would listen to the show and improve their English. Also for the tourists it was very good I think. Please, can you do something to have English programmes again on RTI?
Thank you very much,
Best regards, L.

Messages from the Slovak Republic

M.C. – ja nechapem
David - co? to fakt?
F.V. - no more Engilsh broadcasting in Slovakia, apparently, English has been banned from public places. Skoda ne?
F. - This is sad news indeed!….cannot something be done to confound these beurocratic jobsworths?
P.P. - too bad. sorry to hear that
D.M. - what sad news?
M.J. - STARTLER appears like that
A.T. - very bad news.. an unmeaning regulation
V.T. - oh my God !!! They are so stupid !!!

M.W. - I moved to Slovakia in December 2007

I moved to Slovakia in December 2007 with my Slovak wife to start a family and thought that the Slovakia was quite progressive in its development and outlook, until I heard about this decision, which is anything but forwarding looking. I find that the decision to cancel English language programs on RTI as a decision that is utterly ridiculous and shows a lack of foresight and vision and would contribute to the isolation of the Slovak Republic immensurable.
The English language is the greatest contribution made to the development of the world since the fall of the Roman Empire, mainly because it enables people from all over the world to communicate in one language and for them to understand each other. This language is not only spoken by the people of the British Isles, but is also spoken by the most powerful nation on earth, the U.S.A. and is the second language of choice of most nations including the Scandinavians, Africans, Asians and oriental nations.
The English language is also the language of business and is used by all people when they are gathered together from different nations to conduct business.
Having programs broadcast in English enables the Slovak people to broadcast their ideas and opinions outside it's own borders and gives people a better idea of what the Slovak nation is about, because believe it or not, the only people that understand Slovak are the Slovaks and the Czechs, whereas the number of nations that understand the English language, numbers hundreds and many hundreds of millions of people, if not billions.
Broadcasts of programs in the English language also enables those that are learning the language in Slovakia to hear the language from another source other than from their teachers and will enable them to develop their English language skills further.
Kindly do the best thing for your country and your people and re-new the license for RTI to broadcast programs in English.
Kind regards

Messages from the UK

B.K. - sorry to hear that and I hope it can be sorted out in the near future.
G.D. – madness
G.R. – Again!
M.C. - xxxxxy politics!
M.J - That's just ridiculous!
N.H. - This doesn't impact on your other English outlets does it? (RTI-No)
D.F - blooming cheeky

From EU Member States, non SK or UK

L.G. – Outrageous
Teodora - It is sooo sad to hear this!!!!!!!!
M.K. - What? Again! What a completely unacceptable narrow-minded load of crapola.....
D.W. - I cannot believe it

Messages from Outside the EU

B.J. - An outrage
S.Y. - "no english on slovak radio" crap. Doesn't the government have more important things to worry about?
D.C. - Why don't you go to the Slovak Prime Minister?…. or go to the EU commission…. You need to fight this…..it gives a bad taste for the country and for freedom of speech!!!!!!

Adam: Surely under EU law/Human Rights

Surely under EU law/Human Rights they cannot force you either way??

Chris: Why did they decide

Why did they decide to get you to take all the English stuff off after such a long time? to get you to take all the English stuff off after such a long time? [RTI - NO COMMENT]

Katka: Eric...one huge thank you for all of your shows

Eric...one huge thank you for all of your shows. .I’ll always remember them...and I’m sure this is not the last time we hear you broadcasting

Peter: This is very sad news

This is very sad news.... Presumably you talked to the regulator about the programmes that go out in Hungarian. English is a minority language spoken by many people in this country, it is also an opportunity for Slovaks to hear spoken English - something they need to hear. But then you know all this.

George: I am saddened

I am saddened that their needs to be a split considered in RTI and also I feel that the Slovak regulator is not working in the public's interest to block a bi-lingual service.

Miriam: what a shame

What a shame.... poor you battling the authorities - don’t they understand about lots of English speaking peoples now living in Slovakia who would like to listen to radio in ENGLISH???

Phillip: I am presuming instead of English Progs

I am presuming instead of English Progs on FM, it'll be non-stop politically correct music ? Sometimes, radio authorities don't have a clue really, do they ?It could be considered racist in some circles too, their decisions.It's many many steps backward for European understanding, and all that, but of course, you knew that.The strangest thing is that they've waited till you've been on air for over 3 years before making the decision. Now, that's a strange one, to say the least.

Daniel, Daniel: What’s this about closing English programs.

What’s this about closing English programs.. Doesn’t sound like a good idea.

Martin, I am struggling to understand what our government aims to achieve

I am struggling to understand what our government aims to achieve by banning English language in Slovak radios. Their decision is illogical to me and sooo narrow-minded! We live in a global world today, everybody speaks English. Why can't we do so in the radio? If you don't like to listen to it, then don't do it! But ban it completely? That's just ridiculous! I thought Slovakia was a liberal and open-minded country, but this decision reminds me more of a communist china rather than a democratic EU state. I was actually listening to RTI only because of the fact that they were broadcasting in English...Hope that the government will review this step and finally realise that it is nonsense

Peter: Of course Slovakia should preserve its culture.

Peter: Of course Slovakia should preserve its culture. Does anyone not remember the good old days of just a few short years ago ? Is that what they are trying to force their country back to ? (Please show your party membership card at the entrance, and don't forget the bribe).....Don't let Kafka's work have been in vain !.....You know, as do we all, that what they are really objecting to is FUN !

Tim, Ouch - sorry to hear that :-(

Ouch - sorry to hear that :-( …. Everything I've read and heard indicates that the local population actually likes the English broadcasts. Sounds like your government knows best though :-(

David, I wish to make known to you all

I wish to make known to you all, that I fully support your anguish and dispair over the Slovak authorities' decision to disallow English programming on FM @ RTI. This is a crass move by the Slovaks. In an age where English is; and has been for many years, the 2nd World language, and the other fact that Slovakia is an EU member state.To the Slovak radio regulators: THINK AGAIN, PLEASE! Return the 'right' of RTI Radio to re-introduce the English FM Broadcasts, NOW!!!

Eric, I haven't had time to fully digest this...

I haven't had time to fully digest this yet, but wanted to give you my personal support. You're a fighter and a deliverer and absolutely passionate about radio and communications. if anyone can see this though, you can. And I am sure your listeners will be right by your side.
Good luck.